Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Google people are idiots

In all honesty, hubby has admitted he's not the best at technical phone interviews. However, I think he should have been given a chance at an in person interview. He's a fucking genius and would do any company proud. He works like a dog and he hates the company he's at. Imagine if he loved the place! ARGH! He's a guru and he's been written off and Apple was turned down because of the pay grade. I hate that I can't say "oh, honey take a huge pay cut so you can work at the job of your dreams." Unfortunately real life kicks in and says "uh, BILLS to pay and housing out there is too damn expensive." So, where will we end up? Who the hell knows. He could be staying at his job that he hates or looking all over. I just have to veto the east coast based on mental health reasons. Unless it's the southern east coast. So, for the foreseeable future I'll be freezing my ass off for winters. It sucks because people hibernate here and don't do a damn thing socially.

In the mean time I've torn a muscle in my chest under my boob, on the side. It hurts like a bitch and I can't do anything to get this flab off me since I keep retearing the damn muscle. I know. Patience...but I have NONE!

I'm sick of hearing about Jesus and all the religious BS from Kat's school plus the costs keep rising. So, we're going to switch to public schools. Not thrilled about the educational value but the social value and art classes will be great for her. She'll get to go to school with her friends from the neighborhood which is a huge plus. I went to a private school with no one from my neighborhood and a public Magnet program that was out of my district. I never had any friends close by.

Just beat me over the heat with a 2x4.

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