Monday, January 28, 2008

She lives!

Yes, I am alive! Still sick but alive none the less. I called the doctor's office at 7:30 this morning to get in to see my primary doctor. No such luck but they found me a doctor to see today. Why do we have a primary doctor if we can't get in to see them? Anyway, I went back to bed, woke up and picked up the child from school then went to the doctor. My doctor had a last minute cancellation so I actually got to see her. Amazing. Anyway, everything going on has probably been viral so there is nothing anyone can do. I did find out my lungs are doing great so that's not a worry anymore and over doing things will just make me tired but not sick. Good, I have to start shoveling out the dirt from being sick for weeks. Now if I could get the muscles over my chest to quit being so sore I'd be even better. I'm bored with myself. Horribly bored but I can't go see anyone since I can't share this illness with anyone. *sigh* I still feel half in and half out of normal but I'm not coughing until I pee my pants anymore.

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