Monday, January 21, 2008


I am so tired of being sick! How many times in one year can I catch the Crud? Yet another thing you don't think of when you decide to have children. They are Petri Dishes filled with gunk and us poor unsuspecting parents never see it coming. The kids get better quickly and we suffer for weeks and we suffer on top of the suffering. There's nothing like listening to a 4 year old whining about how you won't play with them when all you want to do is curl up on the couch and sleep. Add in that they need things like food and you just feel all put upon. So, what do you do? Slap some lunch meat and cheese on a plate, poor some milk in a cup and hope that the child will be self sufficient for at least 15 minutes. Hubby has been great about just letting me exist and sleep this weekend but now I have tomorrow looming large. Another day like last week and I'm going to lose my mind. Really, how long can a person be this sick for? I've had it. I'm going to the doctor as soon as I can get together enough energy to shower the funk off me.

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